How can I resolve conflict as a christian?
How do you tend to react when you’ve been insulted? Is your initial reaction to retaliate? To shout? Make your point at whatever cost? Here’s how the bible advices we resolve conflicts…
How can I stand up for what I believe in?
We’ve all been there. That cringe-making, awkward moment when we tell others we’re a Christian. Here’s how can we stand up for our faith by looking at a popular example in the Bible. Blog by Shona.
Are you looking for peace in the wrong places?
In a world that promises everything but often fails to deliver, peace can sometimes seem difficult to obtain. But is it difficult? Or are we too distracted to see the open gates of heaven and the beckoning hand of God in our pursuit of peace?
How can I find hope in challenging times?
In the hardest seasons of our lives, we must hold on to God's promises, and we must never let go. It may not make sense but your struggle is not in vain.
For Christians Battling Depression
The Bible is not full of men and women who are immune to sorrow and pain. God included and made sure that these true stories were included in the Bible, partly so that you would know you’re not alone. Depression can happen to anyone, even believers.