Are you insecure?
If we need other people’s approval to feel validated, if we need society, trends, or fads to recognise our worth, or value, or if we struggle with accepting ourselves, then we may be looking for love in all the wrong places. Either we’re seeking it externally, from an ever-changing society, or internally, from an ever-changing emotional place.
Kaitlin’s Testimony: The day I lost my baby
Pregnancy loss is an emotional and traumatic time, our guest blogger, Kaitlin, shares how her faith, friends, and family helped her through this dark season.
Is it okay to be a pessimistic Christian?
Some people would go as far to say that there is no harm in being pessimistic – that it’s okay considering the current circumstances. But as Christians, aren’t we called to a life of optimism and joy? Read our blog by Ayomide.
Jealousy, Envy, Comparison and You
Jealousy, comparison and envy can be detrimental to different areas of our life, especially how obedient we are to God. If we are looking at what other people have rather than focusing on what God’s plans are for us, it can cause us to stumble, doubt and not obey.
How to truly rest
God tells us to “be still”. Being still is not always a physical act but our hearts posture. How can you be still and truly rest with God?