Why did God create women?
The creation story shows God forming two versions of mankind and later on, the first role He gave to the female was to be a ‘helper’ suitable for Adam. So is that all we are? Supporting actors to men’s story?
Men aren’t the main characters
…And neither are women, God is. Genesis 1:27 shows that both male and female were created to reflect the image of God; albeit in different ways. The unique qualities and characteristics of each gender equally reflect one God.
Demystyfying the helper role
At first, receiving the job of a helper feels like a lesser role. But helpers are far from inferior. A prime example of this is the Holy Spirit, described as a helper yet still an equal and powerful Person of the trinity (John 14:26). But imagine the Holy Spirit asking, ‘Why am I just a Helper?’
You’re a precious daughter
A woman isn’t lesser or inferior but a precious child, worth dying for. “…there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus” (Gen 3:28).
Blog by Nia : This blog was originally an email, written by Nia, a member of the Daughters & Heirs team. Sign up here to make sure you receive our next newsletter straight to your mailbox.