God; a generous giver

Generosity is spoken about a lot in the Christian community.

A lot of focus is drawn to being open with our resources to give to others. However, what is less talked about is the generosity of God himself, which comes to our lives in the form of Grace. This kind of generosity is something that none of us can earn and I find It hard to believe that it is not a case of doing more for his kingdom, so that our portion of grace is bigger.

There is no self-constructed formula to the favour He pours out over our lives; still, it is something I can’t quite comprehend to this day.  How can He be that good to us? He is such a kind and giving God. He always looks out for our best interest, moulding us in His perfect timing and covering our missteps with his redemptive hand.

He offers his time, His friendship, and His provision, as we decide to continually draw closer to him… He draws near to us.

Something I have come to know in recent months is that His generosity is not to be used as a dam, where we harbour all of the good things He gives us. It is to be used as a stream to flow outside of the walls of our own lives. It is so that our testimony can carry his presence to the next person caught in a drought. His generosity always holds a bigger picture, therefore so should ours. It’s important to look at it as something to further his kingdom, to spread love and be salt and light in our different spheres.

We can’t possibly hold all of the resources for ourselves, for that will create a selfish heart that doesn’t mirror Jesus. These gifts have to multiply and spread out further than our doorstep. Whether we are generous with our time, gifts, or finances, we should always be holding on to the truth that Jesus himself walked the earth with that same generosity, with the intention to let it flow to every heart. We should shape our lives around that truth too.  

“Furthermore, because we are united in Christ, we have received an inheritance from God, for he chose us in advance, and he makes everything work out according to his plan.” 

Ephesians 1:11

He did not choose us because we were perfect, therefore his grace on our lives is not a reflection  of that.


A creative voice with a heart to bring the kingdom through writing, acting, and music.


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